Transformation and Digital Service Categories

Gold Services

A service is considered to belong to the GOLD category if it satisfies at least one of the following statements:

Highly relevant service, that is, it is present within the DEACERO value chain by supporting Make, Move, Sell, Pay processes.
Service used in multiple locations.
It needs to work 24/7.
Given the above, an interruption associated with this service could generate a large immediate economic impact, or immediate legal implications for DECERO.

Silver Services

A service is considered to belong to the SILVER category if it satisfies at least one of the following statements:

Service of medium relevance, that is, it is not present within the DEACERO value chain.
Service used in several or a single location.
It is necessary to ensure that the system operates within normal office hours (M-F 8:30 to 6:30 pm) and is expected to be available outside of normal business hours.
Given the above, an interruption associated with this service could cause an economic or legal impact in the medium term for DECERO.

Bronze Services

A service is considered to belong to the BRONZE category if it satisfies at least one of the following statements:

Low relevance service.
Service used in several or a single location.
You need to ensure that you operate within normal office hours, (M-F 8:30 to 6:30 pm) and are not expected to be available outside of normal business hours.
Given the above, an interruption associated with this service could cause an impact, but not immediate or significant.